Radical Self-Care for the UNKNOWN

Only mystery allows us to live, only mystery.— Federico García Lorca

A journey down the rabbit hole comes with no map.

The moment creates the instructions with the depth of your being.

As each day progresses in quarantine, our outer world routines dissolve. The veil lifts between worlds and we are all faced with ourselves.

With minimal distractions, this place can be terrifying.

Pause and reflect.

How real were your plans if they crumbled just like that?

Spiritual teachings tell us about impermanence. Well, here we all are, forced to wake up to the only reality of not-knowing-what-is-next.

Where then is the ground to stand on?

AWARENESS is the only the stable thing we have. The one thing you can control is your Awareness.

Where will you place your Awareness?

We all have a choice, fight reality OR immerse in the mystery, into that space inside that’s FULL.

This is radical self-care.

Recognizing this place may sound wild, but nourish it and you will see it’s the only ground. It’s the main compass for the UNKNOWN.

In your center there is a space that can’t be affected by outer distractions. Ever. 

The mind goes bonkers in without having a plan to grasp onto. This center can’t be achieved by the mind, so the first step is to manage the thoughts.

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For this unparalleled time, I am going to post regularly to help you connect the dots and bring ease. Stay tuned for radical wellness tips to enhance ALL aspects of your self-care during quarantine and beyond, skin to bones.

Watch my video below for a powerful meditation for uncertain times.


Please follow on INSTAGRAM for regular tips on how to stay healthy + sane during during your quarantine.



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Dr. Karuna Sabnani 2016.
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