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Drink MORE Water!

Before you find another solution for your fatigue, stress, congested skin… ask Drink More Wateryourself, “Am I drinking enough water?

You will be surprised how much better you feel with MANY symptoms if you hydrate properly.

My friend once told me how he started thinking dark thoughts and felt he needed mood-lifting medications and after he just had a big bottle of water, his symptoms were gone.  Sometimes water is magic…

How do I hydrate properly?

1)  Drink quality alkaline water.

2) If you know you have an issue with hydration, fill two-three water bottles in the morning and make sure they are finished by the end of the day.

3) Drink first thing in the morning & away from meals. Don’t sip.

4) Have more water if you are eating salty foods.

5) Drink more water if you are prone to UTI like symptoms.

6) Drink more water if you are in a heated room, in a humid or hot climate.

7) Set timers throughout the day to check on your water intake, especially if you are really busy.


Dr. Karuna Sabnani 2016.
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