
How Do Consultations Work?

Initial Consultation: 

In your first session, you get to share your “story” with Dr. Karuna.  Your health goals, concerns, present symptoms, family history, past medical history, current medications, nutrition, lifestyle, emotional and environmental stress are all assessed to gain full understanding of your unique health and beauty needs.

A detailed and comprehensive form is completed.  An extensive medical history of acute and chronic conditions is taken to determine the root cause of the health concerns.  Health goals are explored in depth.

Initial visits are 1 hour in length. Extended visits are necessary for specific cases.

Follow – Up Consultation: 

After assessing patterns, connecting the dots and analyzing the information from your first session, Dr. Karuna creates a comprehensive protocol for you and outlines ‘next steps’ for you to achieve your health goal  and a clear plan towards getting results is discussed.

Recommendations are given in a personalized protocol specific for a patient’s lifestyle and needs. The protocol changes and is fine tuned as the patient gets results.

Follow up visits are 30-45 minutes.  Follow-up sessions are often done by phone except for specific circumstances. Extended follow up visits may be required for specific cases and if desired by the patient.

Phone and Skype Consultations:

For those of you wish to not commute or are out of the NYC area, Dr. Karuna consults throughout the country and internationally. She treats these visits just like office visits with the same intent and fee schedule.

House Visits:

House visits allow for another type of assessment and give Dr. Karuna the opportunity to answer questions about  your living environment and give suggestions on the following:

  • Food choices/brands/appropriate selection of produce
  • General household products
  • Beauty products including shampoo, conditioner, soap, facial cleanser, toner, moisturizer and makeup.
  • Supplements, vitamins, protein powders and herbs.
  • Placement of bed, furniture and lighting for better sleep and health.

Contact us about scheduling a consultation with Dr. Karuna no matter where you live on the globe.

Book a Session

Dr. Karuna Sabnani 2016.
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