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A Youthing Secret (shhh!)



I prefer the word youthing to anti-aging as a big part of getting that dewy glow we all want is hidden in the child-like wonder we see in children.  That wonder is actually the secret to looking glowing from the inside.

Of course we must all do the daily self-care rituals to take care of our skin such as wearing sunscreen, protecting the delicate area around the eyes, hydration and removing processed food + adding greens to our palate.  This is a given – but what about the soul food?  What about the magic?

When we get really good news or are first falling in love we feel ‘giddy’ and feel this other-worldly-happiness.  We feel magical.  When things happen to us out of logical time or serendipity hits over and over again.. we feel magical.

Kids feel this magic all the time they invite us into their make believe worlds of play, dance, song, color and LAUGHTER all the time.  We forget solid structures of illusive time and just – let go into wonder.  This is the secret to magic.

Next time you feel dull, bored, TOO SERIOUS or see those wrinkles around your eyes more than the twinkle, take out an adult coloring book, free up your schedule, blast some music and have some unadulterated-childlike FUN.

Magic is real.  It’s what happens when you let go of the walls.  Opening to the childlike wonder will help you bring that youthful look you desire too.  It’s the secret most people don’t talk about! By the way, you do believe in mermaids don’t you?

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Dr. Karuna Sabnani 2016.
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